9 international routes where you can fly from Phuket from 1000 to 2000 thb one way! All prices was actuals only at the moment of post.
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1) Phuket — Singapore 1070 thb: 9, 10 и 17 November on SCOOT. Need to cancel insurance and seat choose
Air company website
Hotels in Singapore
2) Phuket — Brunei 2034 thb (+ small fee depend of payment metod): 15, 22, 24, 24 November on AirAsia with stop in Kuala-Lumpur.
Air company website
Hotels in Brunei
3) Phuket — Jakarta 2034 thb (+ small fee depend of payment metod): 17 November on AirAsia with stop in Kuala-Lumpur
Air company website
Отели Джакарты
4) Phuket — Kochi 2493 thb (+ small fee depend of payment metod): 14 November on AirAsia with stop in Bangkok
Air company website
Отели Кочи
5) Phuket — Siem-Reap (Angkor wat) 1350 thb (+ small fee depend of payment metod): 8 November and a lot of dates for 1550 thb on AirAsia Direct fly
Air company website
Отели Сием Реапа
6) Phuket — Colombo (Sri-Lanka) 2288 thb (+ small fee depend of payment metod): 10,15 November on AirAsia with stop in Kuala-Lumpur
Air company website
Отели Коломбо
7) Phuket — Kuala-Lumpur 990 thb (+ small fee depend of payment metod): a lot of dates on AirAsia Direct fly
Air company website
Отели Куала Лумпура
8) Phuket — Hong-Kong 2547 thb: 13 November on hkexpress Direct fly
Сайт авиакомпании
Отели Гонконга
9) local routes of Air Asia прямые рейсы: Chiang mai 1339, Bangkok 688, Udon thani 1190, Pattaya 838
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